Thursday, 12 February 2009


This one will be brief as I'm watching my time tick away... I'll write it up properly tomorrow perhaps...
I was excited still byt the prospect of flying off somewhere new and exciting and bounced happily aboard the plane. I was in the emergency exit aisle so loads of legroom and a lecture on how to cope 'in the very unlikely event of an emergency'... Is that possibly perhaps becasue in the event of an emergency we'll be so busy assumingthe brace position and kissing our arses goodbye that it'll be too late!

It was a rickety little 'plane, but, apart froma few heart-stealing drops with some turbulence and a bit of cloud, it flew strraight on to Melbourne Tullamarine.

I arrived at the airport and meandered through the crowds to find my luggage - hello luggage!
Always a nice surprise finding int all in one peice and not having wandered off to make friends with anyone else's...

Having luggaged myself up I find Hertz and sort out my car - a cute little Toyota Yaris, who I immediately get on with and decide will have to be called Corncockle (as she's blue). Well, sailors don't sail in a ship with no name... I just like my vehicles to have names!
However, she is a little lacking in the map department and I now know Melbourne, particularly the area around Luna Park, but also nearly as dar a Geelong, very well indeed... I should do after driving around it for nearly 2 hours!

Anyway... I find my hostel eventually, and they let me in the basement car park. I note the many bicycles and a few cars. I have to say I am not impressed... It is loud, my original room key doesn't work and the room turns out to be full anyway (sigh) so I lug my bags downstairs again and havea bit of a grumble (well, my back hurt and I was tired and cross!).
I am put in another room, with spare beds in this time! And pick a top bunk - hooray!
I also note, with a modicum of distaste, that the entire place smells delicately and persistently of alcohol-vomit. Niiiice.... Least I've got a top bunk eh??

I am so tired that I ignore the issues and drift off to sleep, listening to Terry Pratchett. :)

Today, I wake up early to give myself time to get sorted and head out with Corncockle towards the Great Ocean Road and my freedom! But that deserves writing up properly, so I shall do that tomorrow...
Next instalment will be the Great Ocean Road (as far as the glorious 12 Apostles) and hopefully what I have seen on Ramsay Street!


1 comment:

  1. Hmm.... eagerly awaiting the next instalment with some fresh sea breezes and your restored equilibrium.;)
